*Please not that there may be spoilers as I will attempt to talk about how the score represents the visuals*

Also, please feel free to let me know in the comments if you feel I've missed anything in my analysis.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Wind Rises

Composed By: 久石譲 (Joe Hisaishi)

1. 夢中飛行 (Dreamy Flight)
2. 流れ星 (Shooting Star)
3. 設計家の夢 (Engineer's Dream)
4. 決意 (Determination)
5. 出会い (Meeting)
6. 避難 (Evacuation)
7. 恩人 (Benefactor)
8. 幻の巨大機 (Illusory Giant Machine)
9. ときめき (Excitement)
10. 妹 (Sister)
11. 初出社 (First Day of Work)
12. 隼班 (Squad Falcon)
13. 隼 (Falcon)
14. ユンカース (Junkers)
15. イタリアの風 (Wind of Italia)
16. カプローニの引退 (Caproni's Retirement)
17. 軽井沢の出会い (Meeting at Karuizawa)
18. 運命 (Fate)
19. 虹 (Rainbow)
20. 魔の山 (The Magic Mountain)
21. 風 (Wind)
22. 紙飛行機 (Paper Airplane)
23. プロポーズ (Propose)
24. 八試特偵 (Surveillant Prototype 8)
25. 別れ (Farewell)
26. 会いたくて (Yearning)
27. めぐりあい (Crossing Paths)
28. 結婚 (Marriage)
29. 眼差し (Gaze)
30. 別れ (Farewell)
31. 夢の王国 (Dreamland)
32. ひこうき雲

     The Wind Rises is a remarkable soundtrack.  It was composed for renowned filmaker Hayao Miyazaki's final film.  He has been a wonderful influence in the world of animation, and he will be missed.
     Released in 2014 (2013 in Japan), this tale follows the creator of the Japanese fighter plane in World War II.  It is a remarkable film that is both depressing and hopeful, and the soundtrack captures that mood perfectly.

     There are three themes in the score:  The "Journey" theme for the main character, a theme for the "Dreamland", and a love theme.  The Journey and love themes make up most of the soundtrack.
     The Journey theme is introduced in the first track on the album "Dreamy Flight".  This is a heartwarming little theme that brings a smile to my face every time it appears, which is often.  In fact, it becomes the main musical identity for the film itself.
     The "Dreamland" theme only appears a few times on the album, and it really doesn't develop much.
     The most beautiful and tragic theme on the album is the love theme.  Introduced first in "Meeting", it follows the two lovers.  It has the most touching performances on the album and its tragic nature is intoxicating.  My favorite iteration of this theme can be heard in "Crossing Paths".  The raw emotion contained in this track nearly brings tears every time I listen.  It is truly incredible.  Starting with the clarinet, the theme expands and develops over the course of the song.  We even get a rare performance of the B section of the theme on the piano in the middle before it launches into a beautiful, yearning performance.  It closes with a feeling of loss and longing.

     There are some sub-themes, including one for Caproni.  This theme, first heard in "Caproni's Retirement", makes a reappearance at the end when he travels to the dreamland for the last time.

     The songs that are not associated with a theme are absolutely brilliant as well, most of them being strong highlights of the album.  "Evacuation" starts with the low pounding of the piano and really enhances the feeling of disaster in its scene.  "Squad Falcon" is an amazing track.  I especially love how it slowly "comes together" at the beginning before forming into its true identity, much like an idea does.  Then just when things start to run smoothly, a dissonant chord hits and it's time to start anew.  It starts anew in the classical style piece "Falcon".  "Wind" is a calm, peaceful track.  It is remarkable the way everything works together.  "Paper Airplane" is one of my favorite tracks on the CD, bringing the innocent fun of love to the mix.  It is simply a beautiful dose of pure fun that has a brief mention of the love theme at the very end.

     My favorite track on the album is "Yearning".  The main character has just received news that his wife has taken ill and is rushing across the country to be with her.  The very beginning represents the disbelief he feels before he rushes into action, worrying about his beloved the whole way.  The plucked strings create a ethereal beginning, and the piano starts his distress.  Then when he really starts moving, the strings come in.  The paired string notes below the slightly delayed melody set the tone wonderfully.  It's a whirlwind of thought and emotion.  Then the oboe and flute compliment each other with a beautiful melody.  It's both heroic and worrying, and it is masterfully done.  When he finally does arrive to be with her, the love theme makes its appearance.

     From the time I left the theater I wanted this soundtrack and, unlike "Ender's Game", I was not disappointed.

Written for Movie: Enhancing
On Album: 9/10 "Amazing"
Words to describe it:  Beautiful, Tragic, and Emotional

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